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What i really know is , ILY.
Love ; It lingers much .♥
You must always be HAPPY here :) Remember to Tag and FOLLOW the RULES (:


Welcome to my bloggie . Please obey the rules as below
1. No spamming
2. No rude language
3. Do not leave a dirty print on my blog if u hate me ! If you hate me just dont come view my blog. Thats it. Thanks.


I am a simplegirl.
18 this year 10'
I fromSabah,kk.
And I just love Terry my only lover:D

About Me


Gai Gai :D
Surfing the net
novels *p/s just love stories. xD
Music :D
Cakes *.*
Cute hanging stuff. :D
Bling Bling things
Monkey~ yoyocici~~ i like it so much!
Ice cream. *yummy*
Iced Caramel Mocha
Mickey *cute*
Chatting with frens
mesmerize or being in a daze:O
bully peoples. wakakakas
yum cha


been lied
people thats keep anoyying
i cant done finish my things :(
been desolated
no money use T_T
test!!! *Shytty*
house chores
Bad People!!
Sweet Loves

My L.O.V.E♥

чяязт & измяαс

You are my soul , my life ♥ Your love, Your cares, Your forbearance, I will appreciate it =) I love you! =D


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Saturday, April 3, 2010

I work today again.
I just back from there =(
I quite tired but mood still ok lar
My teacher spend me and one workmate
go to city mall hanna eat sushi =D
thanks so much~
I was so full~
so delicious
yummmmmyyyyyy ~~~

btw.. my teacher tell me June I need go keningau
for the concert thingy >.<
I need to follow those students go

haiiyo.. I very tired but I still thinking my assignment
I wanna finish them as soon as possible. =)

sweet ^o^
I ♥ Terry
9:06 PM

Friday, April 2, 2010
11 month anniversary

Yesterday 01/04
was my 11 month anniversary with my babe
I went to his house
consider celebrate with him lar
eat lunch together
then I back to school again

then at night
I went out with May
we together go watch movie
watch Just Another Pandora's Box
quite funny de
I cant say very nice but still ok lar
and then we went to cx
find our bf
both of them like stick to the computer already
I got lao gai cause of this
babe keep tam back me
well, I know he doesnt like this
but, he still tam me
I promise I next time at outside wont like this le
at outside lao gai not good. lols

and today..
I start busy
busy with?
I so many assignment
haven done any
jia you!!!

sweet ^o^
I ♥ Terry
11:07 AM

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I met my dear today =DD
because I got so many recess hour
class change to 3-5pm
so all of use left earlier
My classmate fetch me go to dear house
so happy can see my dear ^^
we eat lunch together
have a sweet memories hour ~
after back to school
they discuss about the class trip
they want go to karambunai
well, I didnt join them
1st reason is
I got work
2nd reason is
Jiu suan I dont have work but then my dear wont let
lols. so forget about it

I just done my assignment outline
for the GNS subject
Haihs. soon many assignment coming
Im brain storming all the time

sweet ^o^
I ♥ Terry
8:06 PM

Monday, March 29, 2010

Today 8am school start
it is really tired
I need to rush to school
I get scolded by mum
I understand it is really too rushing

After the 2 hour replacement class
Esther,Jie Ting and I stay back
We discuss our group assignment
after that Esther and I stay until 2pm
we met lecturer in the library
for the economic's discussion
I so blur with the chapter
so ask her for more information
thanks her anyways

I didnt go back home after tat
I need to work
so my mum fetch my brother then we go for kfc
then I take away as my dinner tonight
then I go my working place
stay until night then back home
during the time I free I help my brother with his moral portfolio
I wrote 4 essays
Of course I get my condition xD

Im really exhausted
Well, I stop here
I need to do my economy correction and english assignments =)

sweet ^o^
I ♥ Terry
9:50 PM

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Today I got work also ~.~
but I work for a while only
got a new students
4 years old
so cute
I baby talk with him
teach him to play piano
but I think need to slowly
because he still small cnanot absorb much
I'll try my best! lols

and hor
My mum and I
went to my babe's shop
my mum bought some bao
I so happy see my babe there
mum talk with babe's mummy also
after finish da pao
We left
I so miss my babe >.<

if say about my school life
Im going exhausted
so many stress
I cant imagine it
I need to think about the assignment
I need to think how do get a good score in test or exams
I cant perform well in my test =(
its really too hard for me
somemore need to face work stress also
but anyways
I will jia you =)

sweet ^o^
I ♥ Terry
7:38 PM